Alexander Kruuse-MettinActor
1864 Diary of a catastrophe
R: Danish soldier
The Hamburg actor received his training at the Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute in New York. After various experiences on New York stages, he returned to Germany in 2008. He has appeared in various theatres in plays such as “Hamlet”, “Tartuffe”, “Keinohrhasen” and “Maria Stuart”. You can hear his voice in radio plays such as “TKKG” and “Fünf Freunde”.
Alexander Kruuse-Meetin is the founder of the Actors' Workshop Hamburg, a training center for actors to keep fit between engagements and filming days, as well as for competitive athletes and ballet dancers. As a BFFS sponsor in Team Hamburg, he is committed to the rights and interests of his colleagues in the BFFS (Federal Association for Stage, Film, Television, Language). He grew up bilingual and is all the more pleased to be part of “Diary of a catastrophe” and to be able to play in Denmark for the first time!