Premiere: 06.08.2015, Museum Island Gottorf Castle SH State Museums
Schleswig-Holstein State Theatre
Otto von Bismarck writes his memoirs and meticulously works on his image for posterity. His wife Johanna, however, takes him back to the time before their wedding and we meet a younger Bismarck who does not correspond to the ideal at all. 23 years old, plagued by inner conflict, enormous debts and a disgust for the prevailing bureaucratic system, he fights for meaning in his life. In Johanna he finds a kindred spirit. She is able to listen to the many mocking, ironic, powerful voices inside Bismarck. In many battles over truth and lies, love and politics, religion, nature and poetry, documented in their letters, the two make a pact. The famous but little-known correspondence shows us a radically different Bismarck and adds a new, surprisingly modern facet to our idea of him. In fact, the examination of Bismarck's world of thought and his "policy of moderation" is a very current contribution to the discussion on how to deal with borders and nationalisms in today's Europe.
Gabriele Schelle
Andre Becker
Visual Concept:
Joanna Ossolinska
Florentine Weihe, Guido Bayer, Christian Nisslmüller
Bayer, Nisslmüller, Weihe
Bayer, Nisslmüller, Weihe ©Rennert
Guido Bayer © FT
Weihe, Nisslmüller, Bayer ©photomatzen
Bayer, Nisslmüller, Weihe
Schloss Gottorf Kreuzstall, Premiere: inside bismarck
Dr. Gädeke, Schelle, Dr. Haacke
© Rennert
Lord Byron
Weihe, Nisslmüller, Bayer,
Kesselhaus Anscharpark Kiel
„Gelungen Gabriele Schelles Idee sie mit einem doppelten Bismarck umzusetzen.“
„Christian Nisslmüller als alter Bismarck benötigte dazu nicht einmal den Bart des alten Reichskanzlers, er verkörperte allein durch seine Haltung und gewaltige Stimme ohne Bart und Glatze die starke Persönlichkeit.“
Holsteinische Landeszeitung, Frank, 17.08.2015
„Mit erfrischender Natürlichkeit oszilliert Florentine Weihe zwischen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, wo Guido Bayer und Christian Nisslmüller dem jungen und dem in die Jahre gekommenen Bismarck höchst unterschiedliche Gestalt verleihen.“
„Verdienten Applaus gab es zur Premiere im Kreuzstall in Schloss Gottorf für die neue Produktion des FACTORY Theaters. [...] Ein interessanter Abend.“
Sabine Tholund, Kieler Nachrichten 08.08.2015